Acupuncture is a therapeutic practice that has been used for thousands of years throughout Asia. It involves the insertion of fine filiform needles into specific points on the body. This insertion has a direct effect on the nervous system stimulating the body’s ability to self-heal. This process is often said to affect the flow of qi (vital energy) and blood and balance yin and yang energies. The purpose is to resolve underlying imbalances and reduce symptoms.
Once acupuncture needles are in place, it can be helpful to stimulate the points to reduce pain and inflammation and activate specific healing properties. One way to achieve this is to add electro-acupuncture. This involves a mild micro-current between a set of two needles. The proper flow of qi and blood keeps your body in balance and promotes its natural ability to heal. Electro-acupuncture stimulates the points to increase this flow and can increase the potential healing effects of standard acupuncture.
Facial Microneedling
Microneedling is a minimally invasive treatment using the AcuLift MicroPen system. This treatment promotes the natural production of collagen and elastin which are responsible for skin structure and elasticity. These fibers naturally break down as we age and this can cause wrinkles.
The MicroPen uses extremely fine, sterile needles to gently penetrate the skin just enough to stimulate collagen and elastin production without causing permanent injury to the skin. This process can improve skin texture and color, reduce wrinkles and acne scars, and dramatically enhance the effectiveness of skincare products.
It is important to note that some patients respond to very mild treatments consisting of fewer points, shorter retention times, and mild stimulation. Others respond better to more robust treatments with stronger stimulation. Cathryn’s training and experience ensure that she will take time to create treatments that are of greatest benefit to you and techniques can be adjusted as needed to accomplish the most for each patient.
Body-Work Sessions
Cathryn Aiken has extensive years of hands-on bodywork experience. She is able to offer Shiatsu/Myofascial Release sessions. These sessions can be targeted to specific areas of the body or provide an overall, full-body focus. Sessions may include additional techniques such as cupping, gua sha, topical herbal pain patches and/or essential oils. Please contact her to discuss rates and scheduling. Sessions are offered without the expectation of tipping.
Custom Yoga & Meditation
A custom one-on-one yoga session allows you to work on the poses and stretches that make sense for you on your schedule and at your own pace. These private sessions allow you to ease into yoga in a safer manner, with proper alignment and a clear focus on your goals and needs.
When the rest of the class already knows what to do, you may be struggling to keep up. But with a private yoga instructor, you won’t be left behind. In fact, the class is all about YOU. Perhaps you’ve tried a few different yoga classes and have simply struggled to find one that feels like a good fit for you.
During your private session, Cathryn will determine what you’re looking for and will craft a class that fits your needs. She can modify your poses and select ones that work around your particular challenges. This is also great for people who find it difficult to do certain poses due to injury or mobility problems.
The benefits of regular meditation have been studied and enumerated by the scientific community. The difficult part is learning what type of meditation appeals to you and finding a way to incorporate this into your life. There are many different types of meditation, some involving movement, and others stillness. Creating a practice that suits you is important. Being flexible with what works for you at different times of the day or of life can be key.
Meditation can be defined in many ways; one beautiful definition of meditation is: “Meditation refers to a family of techniques which have in common a conscious attempt to focus attention in a non-analytical way and an attempt not to dwell on discursive, ruminating thought” (Shapiro 1982)
Cathryn believes that there is a yoga practice and a meditation practice for everyone, and she can help you find out what works for you.
Gua Sha
Gua Sha therapy involves scraping the skin with a tool to improve circulation. Gua Sha uses long or short strokes to stimulate microcirculation in the soft tissue to increase blood flow. The increased blood flow reduces inflammation and pain, relieves muscle tension, and promotes relaxation and healing.
Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which special cups are placed on your skin to create suction. This suction increases blood circulation to the area. It can be used to relieve muscle tension, reduce pain and inflammation, increase relaxation and well-being, and has a similar feeling as a deep-tissue massage. Both Cupping and Gua Sha may be added to an acupuncture treatment to increase the overall benefit.
Custom-Blended Herbal Formulas
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) focus on restoring balance and creating the best possible environment for healing.
TCM herbal formulas compose an important branch of this medicine. Herbal medicine excels at treating conditions that are resistant to other therapies.
These formulas are safe and effective when prescribed by a qualified herbalist and can be used by children and the elderly. The writing of traditional Chinese herbal prescriptions requires extensive training and is the most revered and challenging branch of TCM.
Cathryn has devoted much of her studies and practice to creating a vast and effective herbal pharmacy. She has extensive experience in writing tailored prescriptions and custom-blending them for her patients. These custom-blended formulas may be used to address short-term acute conditions as well as long-term chronic issues. She has worked for many years collaborating with Dr. Herb Kandel to diagnose and prescribe personalized formulas that work.
Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
Cathryn is passionate about food and nutrition. She considers optimal food choices to be a solid foundation for creating and maintaining great health. She also believes that a healthy diet should be a pleasure to consume, not a chore.
In addition to good nutrition, Cathryn believes that addressing underlying digestive issues is a must. Correcting digestive imbalances can ensure that the body is able to absorb all the rich nutrients provided by good food. She has worked extensively with such conditions as Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and other related issues. Cathryn can create a tailored treatment plan using acupuncture, herbal medicine, and nutrition to help balance the microbiome and heal the gut for optimal health.